Mount Murchison (Squamish, BC)

June 28, 2020


Squamish, BC

Not to be confused with the majestic Mt. Murchison in the Canadian Rockies, this one is much less iconic, on the west side of Squamish River overlooking the Woodfibre pulp mill. From a local perspective this is still a sizeable peak with multiple summits and more than one vertical mile of relief above Squamish River and Howe Sound, and is rarely ascended due to the access difficulties. Apparently parties had attempted this peak from Woodfibre mill in the past but the south side approach involves considerable amount of bushwhacking. The ferry to the mill is now shut down so it’s even worse. The summit routes are a bit obscured too but with some thorough digging I still managed to put all the pieces together. I thought the much-better access would be from Mt. Lapworth as the connecting ridge appeared straightforward. There are three summits on Mt. Murchison massif with two of them roughly at the same height. One photo essay on bivouac says the more obscured south summit is likely slightly lower in elevation so that’s a good news for us.

To get to the summit of Mt. Lapworth traditionally one needs to canoe or packraft across Squamish River and hike up Echo Lake trail. It’s not an easy task but at least there’s a trail to access the treeline and from there it’s an easy scramble to the summit. For Alex, Vlad, Marius and myself the task was even easier as we simply just flew to the summit of Mt. Lapworth from Squamish airport. The plan was definitely not to just bag Mt. Lapworth and Mt. Murchison by this fashion. In fact, we had a bigger plan to traverse a bunch of peaks including the elusive Mt. Sedgwick in a single day, and taking a helicopter ride was the most practical way.

The traverse from Lapworth to Roderick. GPX DL

After snapping the “victory shots” on Mt. Lapworth we started the descent towards the bump between Mt. Lapworth and Mt. Murchison. We encountered steep and bluffy terrain that forced us to do some back-tracking. We bypassed on steep bluff by dropping onto snow on the north side and then easily plunged down to the col. We opted to bypass the bump by short-cutting on the south side. It appeared that we could have stayed on snow and indeed, other than a bit of bushwhacking and annoying side-hilling we did manage to stay mostly on snow. We ascended a nice gully feature full on snow to the north ridge of Mt. Murchison.

The morning sun was still low on the horizon when we got here.
The Red Tusk looms impressively
Sky Pilot Mountain with Mt. Habrich on the far left
The Howe Sound and Brunswick Mountain on left
Alex and Marius studying our route towards Mt. Murchison
Summit Panorama from Mt. Lapworth. Click to view large size.
A wider view of Mt. Murchison, our objective
Our group shot on the summit of Mt. Lapworth
Alex on the summit of Mt. Lapworth
Me on the summit of Mt. Lapworth
Me down-scrambling some 3rd class granite. Photo by Alex R.
We were bypassing this steep bluff and thankfully there’s still snow
The other guys finishing the snow bypass
Marius plodding up…
Me posing in front of the west ridge of Mt. Lapworth
Vlad scrambling on some fun rocks
Vlad on the broad west ridge of Mt. Lapworth. Not as fast we we thought.
Vlad and Mt. Murchison
We were aiming at this col
Mt. Sedgwick looks sassy from the north ridge of Mt. Murchison

The north ridge of Mt. Murchison had fair a bit of unknown but our worrisome proved to be unnecessary. The first step was attacked head-on (one move of stiff 3rd class) but on the descent we found an easy bypass on snow. We then traversed up and over a few subsidiary bumps to just below the first of the three major summits. Vlad opted for a bushy bypass while I strapped crampons on, and climbed the snow arete head-on. Alex and Marius followed without even using crampons.

Me on the lower north ridge of Mt. Murchison. Photo by Alex R.
Alex plodding up the north ridge. The first peak ahead, north peak on right
Looking up the upper Mill Creek drainage towards Mt. Sedgwick
Alex and the low clouds in Squamish Valley
We could a really old ice axe on this ridge
Me, Alex, Marius ascending the snow arete.
Alex topping out the snow arete.
Vlad and Alex plodding up with Mt. Lapworth and Mt. Garibaldi behind

The traverse from the first peak to the north (true) summit appeared narrow but actually not. There was some transitions between rock and snow but the terrain never became exposed and the scrambling never exceeded “easy 3rd class” that in short time we were on the summit. It seemed like traversing further to the south peak would be straightforward but since it has either the same, or slightly lower elevation we didn’t want to waste time here. The weather was clear but windy so after taking some photos we soon retreated.

Vlad descending off the first peak after a rock step
Alex hopping across a snow-to-rock transition
Mt. Sedgwick, our main objective in this trip
The Red Tusk, Mt. Dione and Serratus Mountain
The south face of Omega Mountain.
Rainy Mtn. and Tetrahedron Peak in the background
The massif of Mt. Garibaldi
The Howe Sound with North Shore Mountains on the left
Mt. Wrottesley at center is another tough one to access..
Me on the summit of Mt. Murchison
Another photo of me on the summit of Mt. Murchison
Our group shot on the summit of Mt. Murchison

We all put crampons on and down-climbed the snow arete on the way back and then followed our own tracks traversing up and over the few bumps. Vlad led us down a snowy bypass to avoid the lower tricky step and then we ascended another few bumps with some snow, a bit of bushwhacking and a bit of route-finding. The aim was a snowy ledge on the south slopes of Mt. Conybeare but we knew it’s still a long ways to the summit of Mt. Conybeare.

This is looking down at Alec Lake on the east side of Mt. Murchison
The lower first peak and the connecting ridge
Marius down-scrambling
Vlad, me and Marius with the summit behind. Photo by Alex R.
This is looking down at Echo Lake and Squamish Valley
Down-climbing the snow arete
Me with Echo Lake behind. Photo by Alex R.
A bit of fun rock scrambling
A closer look at Mt. Garibaldi/Atwell Peak massif
Descending on snow was always faster than on rock
Looking back towards Mt. Murchison
In the foreground is Mt. Thyestes across Fries Creek
Vlad leading some rock and bushy scrambling
Marius plodding with the vast terrain behind.

After a few more bumps Marius decided to call the day there and let Vlad, Alex and myself to carry on. We found a nice and flat spot for him so that we could pick him up on the way back, and continued onward towards Mt. Conybeare.