Newman Peak (AB)

July 2, 2012


Waterton Lakes National Park, AB

The plan between Eric and myself on the 3rd day of this past Canada Day long weekend was one of the three long traverses in Waterton, the “Hawkins Horseshoe”, Newman/Spionkop/Avion, or Anderson to Bauerman. None of them appeared overly lengthy on paper so we decided to just sleep at Pincher Creek rather than car-camping at the trail-head. This way we could have some “real” breakfast in the morning. The downside of doing that was the increased likelihood of getting laze. My alarm failed to drag us out of the comfortable sleeping bags and thank to some further delays we didn’t manage to start the hike until 9:00 am in the morning…

The Newman-Spionkop-Avion is a group of less-known objectives by Red Rock Canyon on the northern boundary of Waterton. They are all well documented in Andrew Nugara’s More Scrambles in the Canadian Rockies, but draw less amount of interest comparing to the popular Kane’s scrambles.

Newman - Spionkop - Avion traverse route

Newman – Spionkop – Avion traverse route

The initial trudge on Snowshoe Trail went by pretty fast. And in fact, this would have been a good trail to bike. For us biking wasn’t an option for two reasons. Firstly there’s no way to fit 2 bikes in my car and secondly, we weren’t sure whether or not we’d return via the same route.

Red Rock Canyon is a famous tourism place.

Red Rock Canyon is a famous tourism place.

A rabbit

A rabbit

Anderson Peak looks impressive from this angle. It's only a easy scramble though.

Anderson Peak looks impressive from this angle. It’s only a easy scramble though.

A view from Snowshoe Trail. I wonder what it's named as Snowshoe Trail.

I wonder why this trail was named as Snowshoe Trail.

Mount Glendowan from Snowshoe Trail.

Mount Glendowan from Snowshoe Trail.

We soon reached the junction where Goat Lake Trail started, and we took a right turn. On Goat Lake Trail, we were distracted by the flowers and waterfalls and I have to say that they’re way more colourful than what I remembered from the central Canadian Rockies. The trail was a bit overgrown at places, but easy to follow even by hiker’s standard. We arrived at Goat Lake under a cloudy sky but the lake was beautiful nonetheless. The trail beyond the lake was snowbound, but good sets of foot prints led us up skirting around all the rock bands. The snow was very supportive (thankfully). After reaching treeline, we didn’t have to deal with snow, and a good trail led us to the col between Avion and Newman. Newman Peak was just to our right, so we ascent it without taking a break. From the summit, we could see a higher point immediately to our east, after double checking my Gem Trek Map, we confirmed that the one we were standing on was Newman Peak, and the other one was an unnamed peak at GR127513 (11:58AM).



Paint brushes

Paint brushes

A waterfall that we were passing by. Goat Lake is above the falls.

A waterfall that we were passing by. Goat Lake is above the falls.

Goat Lake Trail

Goat Lake Trail

Another (mini) waterfall

Another (mini) waterfall

Me at Goat Lake

Me at Goat Lake

We passed a sizable field of glacier lillies

We passed a sizable field of glacier lillies

The first part of Avion Ridge.

The first part of Avion Ridge.

Eric at treeline. We would never see such a massive field of red rocks in the central Rockies

Eric at treeline. We would never see such a massive field of red rocks in the central Rockies

Newman Peak

Newman Peak

Summit Panorama from Newman Peak. Click to view large size.

Summit Panorama from Newman Peak. Click to view large size.

We also bagged this GR127513. Due to the fact it lacks a name, nor did it get covered in a guidebook, I don’t want to claim it as a separate summit, so I’ll treat it as a sub (but higher) peak of Newman. I got much better view from its top.

Eric slogging up GR127513

Eric slogging up GR127513

GR127513 ahead

GR127513 ahead

Mount Cleveland right of center. It's the highest in Glacier National Park.

Mount Cleveland right of center. It’s the highest in Glacier National Park.

More distant big peaks in Glacier Park

More distant big peaks in Glacier Park

Distant peaks towards West

Distant peaks towards West

Nice contrast between colours. Loaf Mountain at center

Nice contrast between colours. Loaf Mountain at center

The ridge goes to Mount Glendowan.

The ridge goes to Mount Glendowan.

We ditched our backpacks on the summit of Newman Peak, and quickly made our way towards Spionkop Ridge.

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