Bucephalus Peak

August 23, 2015


Mt. Robson Provincial Park, BC

Bucephalus Peak is one of those satellite peaks of the nearby much-bigger Mt. Fitzwilliam. For peak-baggers it made perfect sense to combine with the ascent of the bigger one as it’s merely an 1-hour detour. Maury and I had more ambitious plans so went up and over this summit after ascending Mt. Fitzwilliam in the morning.

The traverse route from Fitzwilliam to Clairvaux

The traverse route from Fitzwilliam to Clairvaux. GPX DL

From Fitzwilliam/Bucephalus col it appeared we had to traverse up and over one minor unnamed bump to get to Bucephalus Peak. We decided against that so picked a rising traverse line to bypass that bump. Unfortunately the boulders were a lot more unstable on the side (vs. on the ridge) and adding the fresh snow and the moss the travelling was painfully slow. I had to be super careful and couldn’t trust any single boulder… But we made through, and the terrain got a lot easier once back onto the connecting ridge, but again, we had to negotiate endless boulders to reach this summit.

Bucephalus Peak from partway down Fitzwilliam

Bucephalus Peak from partway down Fitzwilliam

Side-hilling on loose boulders to bypass the first bump

Side-hilling on loose boulders to bypass the first bump

Back onto the ridge crest now

Back onto the ridge crest now

Looking over Bucephalus's shoulder towards Mt. Clairvaux - our ultimate destination

Looking over Bucephalus’s shoulder towards Mt. Clairvaux – our ultimate destination

Maury ascending the typical terrain

Maury ascending the typical terrain

Looking back at Mt. Fitzwilliam

Looking back at Mt. Fitzwilliam

And, the first bump on the connecting ridge

And, the first bump on the connecting ridge

Summit Panorama. Click to view large size.

Summit Panorama. Click to view large size.

Roche Noire

Roche Noire

Basillica Mountain and Curia Mountain

Basillica Mountain and Curia Mountain

The summit of Mt. Fitzwilliam

The summit of Mt. Fitzwilliam

Looking down into Fitzwilliam Basin

Looking down into Fitzwilliam Basin

Looking ahead to the ridge traverse. Ramparts behind

Looking ahead to the ridge traverse. Ramparts behind

Maury on the summit of Bucephalus Peak

Maury on the summit of Bucephalus Peak

Me on the summit of Bucephalus Peak

Me on the summit of Bucephalus Peak

We were doing very good on time and Maury and I were still high on motivation so after a bit of discussion we decided to extend our trip to bag the 3rd peak. Descending the connecting ridge from Bucephalus to Frontier was mostly easy/moderate scrambling with one detour to skier’s right (west).

Descending the S. Ridge of Bucephalus Peak

Descending the S. Ridge of Bucephalus Peak

Frontier Peak ahead, our 3rd objective in this day

Frontier Peak ahead, our 3rd objective in this day

Looking back at Bucephalus Peak

Looking back at Bucephalus Peak

From the connecting col Frontier Peak looked just like what we had been doing so far, so off we went.